Counseling and Debt Management Services: The Smart Choice Sep 7th, 2016   [viewed 634 times]

Being an avid investor is easy, but once you’ve gone over the top with your investments, it can be difficult to find a way out. This is why it’s extremely important to be knowledgeable about your finances and how to properly manage them. Luckily enough, there are esteemed professionals available to aid you in finding your way out of the labyrinth of debt. Credit counsellors work to provide financial education and management to their clients, with the goal of helping creditors to avoid and eliminate debt and bankruptcy. There are various factors related to debt, and each situation is different for every creditor. This is why it is important to get credit counseling from a professional who is aware of your circumstances and can provide accurate personal assistance.

Creditors now have the opportunity to attain an affordable repayment plan for credit cards, IRS debts, collection accounts, and unsecured debts. One such repayment plan at Debt Management Counseling Corporation provides counseling services to customers who are overridden with debt. The company works with creditors to reduce or eliminate all the APRs on accounts and consolidate everything into one payment. Certified counselor Brant Petree, who has worked with DMCC for five years, breaks down the debt relief services as well as other services that are available for distraught creditors. He is now a licensed agent at the Lawyer Referral Network who helps customers with unsecured debt. Based on his experience as a counselor as well as an agent, here are the best plans offered at DMCC for those looking for help in debt and finances:

Debt Management Plan (DMP)

This repayment plan ensures that your debt does not get worse—it is designed to lower credit card interest rates and monthly payments, consolidate debt payments, eliminate late fees and charges, and overall payoff your accounts within 5 years or less.

The DMP is an effective way to manage your financial worries. According to Brant Petree at DMCC, it is the best service available for creditors who are seeking quick help.

Credit Score Analysis

This analysis provides you with a written report which illustrates certain actions you can take to increase credit scores.

Mortgage Payment Assistance

DMCC assists homeowners who have suffered a loss of income and property value using a program which aids customers in paying their mortgage. The program is free, which makes it all the more appealing. 

 Student Loan Counseling

DMCC also offers counseling services to students who are looking to repay their student loans. The Bankruptcy Counseling and Education program provides the certificates required to file bankruptcy and have your debts discharged.